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Public Oral
History Archive


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  • Allen Schwartz

    Allen Schwartz and his family moved to Jane Addams Homes during World War II, into a one bedroom apartment. He recalls the good and bad of his neighborhood and surrounding areas, ranging from a close-knit community to bullyi…

    Content warnings: derogatory terms used, overt racism
    Pronouns: he/him
    Public Housing Complex(es): Jane Addams Homes
    Themes: Judaism, anti-semitism, racism, family, neighborhood changes, White Flight
    Primary Location(s): Jane Addams Homes, Little Italy, Garden Theater, Budong Woods, Forest Preserves, Taylor St., Roosevelt Ave, Racine Ave, Morgan St
    Primary Time Period(s): 1943–1953
  • Marilyn Roberts (Interview #1, 2022)

    In this interview, Marilyn talks about how she grew up in an environment where sexuality was not widely accepted, due to her family’s devoutness to religion. She notes the struggles of this journey, but also the good t…

    Content warnings: None
    Pronouns: None
    Public Housing Complex(es): Henry Horner Homes, Chicago Housing Authority
    Themes: Self-Identity, Sexuality, Religion, Spirituality, Family
    Primary Location(s): None
    Primary Time Period(s): None
  • Marilyn Roberts (Interview #2, 2023)

    In this oral history, Marilyn shares her experience living in Cabrini Green with a friend of hers at the time. She talks about having a teaching job and how she found her place in the community through helping others.

    Content warnings: drug/alcohol addiction, sexual violence, misogyny, domestic violence
    Pronouns: she/her
    Public Housing Complex(es): Cabrini Green, Henry Horner Homes, Chicago Housing Authority
    Themes: Community, Crime, Housing, Teaching, Funding
    Primary Location(s): Chicago, IL
    Primary Time Period(s): 1995-2001
  • Cassandra Davis

    During this interview Cassandra “Sandi” Davis reflects on early memories of her family living in the Christopher Columbus Homes (Columbus Homes) on the North side of Newark, New Jersey.  She discusses the multicultural …

    Content warnings: colorism
    Pronouns: she/her
    Public Housing Complex(es): Christopher Columbus Homes
    Themes: Gender, gender roles, racial identity, racism, career advancement
    Primary Location(s): Newark, NJ, East Orange, NJ
    Primary Time Period(s): 1950-1966
  • Foluke Nunn

    In this oral history, Foluke Nunn describes her upbringing in a family where her parents were community activist, advocates, and organizers. She went to an integrated school where she experienced racial oppression and learne…

    Content warnings: None
    Pronouns: she/her
    Public Housing Complex(es): Forest Cove Apartments
    Themes: Housing Justice, Tenant Rights, Housing Organizing
    Primary Location(s): None
    Primary Time Period(s): None
  • Alexandra Mello

    In this oral history, Alexandra speaks passionately about her life experiences, some of which eventually lead her to having to apply for Section 8. Although an adjustment, Alexandra has found herself dedicating more time to …

    Content warnings: None
    Pronouns: she/her
    Public Housing Complex(es): Meadowbrook Apartments, Hilltop Apartments of Village Hill
    Themes: Section 8, Housing, Education, Community
    Primary Location(s): Northampton, Massachusetts
    Primary Time Period(s): None
  • Larry Turner (Int. #1)

    In the rumble of memory, Larry Turner paints a portrait of his upbringing, a tapestry woven by the hands of his Black mother, Beauty Turner. Larry’s story unfolds in the shadows of the Robert Taylor public housing proj…

    Content warnings: drug/alcohol use, physical violence, death, gang violence
    Pronouns: he/him
    Public Housing Complex(es): Robert Taylor Homes, Stateway Gardens
    Themes: Surviving and advocating for Public Housing, “The Voice Of The Voiceless”, legacy
    Primary Location(s): Chicago, IL, South Side, Robert Taylor Homes
    Primary Time Period(s): Late 1980s-2000s
  • Crystal Palmer

    In this oral history Crystal describes her experience growing up in the Henry Horner Homes and having a challenging and tragic childhood. Crystal eventually begins working in Chicago Public Housing as a janitor, and ultimate…

    Content warnings: death, drug/alcohol addiction, domestic violence, colorism
    Pronouns: she/her/hers
    Public Housing Complex(es): Henry Horner Homes, West Haven
    Themes: overcoming adversity, Drug Addiction
    Primary Location(s): Chicago, IL
    Primary Time Period(s): 1960s-2000s
  • Public Oral History Archive


    Content warnings: None
    Pronouns: None
    Public Housing Complex(es): None
    Themes: None
    Primary Location(s): None
    Primary Time Period(s): None
  • Public Oral History Archive


    Content warnings: None
    Pronouns: None
    Public Housing Complex(es): None
    Themes: None
    Primary Location(s): None
    Primary Time Period(s): None