Mary Baggett

In this Oral history Miss Baggett discusses being a resident of ABLA public housing. She describes the changes of the community as a result of gentrification and how market rate and mixed income housing differed from ABLA public housing.
Mary Baggett
Content Warnings: None
Audio Quality Notes: None
At a Glance
Public Housing Residency: Jane Addams Homes, Brooks Homes, ABLA Homes
Themes: Demolition, Eviction, Mixed Income, Section 8
Content Warnings: None
Primary time periods: 2002–present (Brooks Homes)
Primary locations: Chicago, IL
Keywords: childhood, family, sports, boys and girls club, activities, cookouts, community, transformation, changes, tenant patrol, seniors, entrepreneurs, home businesses, fun day, candy houses, choke houses (lunch programs), Animal Court
Descriptive Context
Interview Summary
Content Warnings: None
In this Oral history Miss Baggett discusses being a resident of ABLA public housing. She describes the changes of the community as a result of gentrification and how market rate and mixed income housing differed from ABLA public housing.
About the Narrator
Narrator Full Name: Mary Baggett
Narrator pronouns: Miss Blugie
Refer to as: Miss Baggett
Self-identified race and/or ethnicity: African American
Traditional Public Housing (section 9)(Jane Addams Homes) Chicago, IL 1970 – 2002. Currently, I live in Traditional Public Housing (Brooks Homes) Chicago, IL 2002- Present. I have been a resident of Brooks for 20+ years.
Over the past 7 years, I became a community leader, an advocate for the residents of Brooks Homes, Roosevelt Square Reseats, and Loomis Courts residents. Being a community leader is a passion, when you can fight for and protect your residents to ensure that they have a decent and safe environment to live in. It give you hopes and dreams. My home is like a sanctuary. When you walk through the door, the sweet aroma hits you with peace and tranquility. Before you know it, I’m cozied away on my sofa while enjoying a cup of tea and watching my favorite shows. I’ve been gifted to be a community leader and role model for the residents of the community. My dream is to have a healthy and prosperous business, and to one day move into my dream home.
- Birth: 1970-04-12
About the Interview
Interviewer: Shirley Alfaro
Date of Interview: 2017-09-25
Method of Interview: in-person
Location of Interview: Chicago, IL
Language: English
Duration: 00:55:23
Formats Available: .wav
Audio Quality and other notes: None
Post-Production by: jellystone robinson, Shakira Johnson
Contextual Information Last Updated: None
Time-Stamped Index
No index available for this file.
Access and Use Guidelines
Access Level: public
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Please contact the NPHM Oral History Programs Manager if you’d like to download a copy of any of the interview materials (audio file, transcript, or finding aid contents).
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Please use the following formatting when citing the interview in academic settings:
Bibliography Example
Pegues, Janetta Sue. Interviewed by Francesco De Salvatore. National Public Housing Museum Oral History Archive, [insert URL/DOI], recorded June 18, 2018, accessed June 2, 2024: pp. 10-15.
Bibliography Format
[NarratorFullName in Last First Middle order]. Interviewed by [InterviewerFullName in First Middle Last Order]. National Public Housing Museum Oral History Archive, [insert URL], recorded [write out full date of interview], accessed [write out full date of most recent access]: pp. [pages of transcript cited].
Footnote Example
Janetta Sue Pegues, interviewed by Francesco De Salvatore, National Public Housing Museum Oral History Archive, [insert URL], recorded June 18, 2018, accessed June 2, 2024: pp. 10-15.
Footnote Form
[NarratorFullName in First Middle Last Order], interviewed by [InterviewerFullName in First Middle Last Order] National Public Housing Museum Oral History Archive, [insert URL], recorded [write out full date of interview], accessed [write out full date of most recent access]: pp. [pages of transcript cited].
Transcript and Supplemental Attachments
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