Mr. Danté

Dante lived in public housing from the time of his birth until the age of 18. He never felt any stigma associated with his home and has very positive memories of the experience.
Mr. Danté
Content Warnings: None
Audio Quality Notes: Audio a little tin-y on oral historian’s side and fuzzy on the narrator’s side
At a Glance
Public Housing Residency: Garden Valley Neighborhood House, Ohio Metropolitan Housing Authority
Themes: neighborhood social club, community support, publishing industry, entrepreneurship, positive experience in public housing, community activist
Content Warnings: None
Primary time periods: 1961–present
Primary locations: Kinsman Road, Chicago, New York, Garden Valley Neighborhood House Community Center, East Technical High School
Keywords: The Jolly Jinx Club, Apple Butter Festival, Cedar Point, Boy Scouts, rowhouses, family trips, lottery, entrepreneurship, weed seller, basketball, camp, public pool, publishing industry, graphic design, calligraphy, scholarship, segregation, government cheese, community activist, junior class president, Miss Roth talent show
Descriptive Context
Interview Summary
Content Warnings: None
Dante lived in public housing from the time of his birth until the age of 18. He never felt any stigma associated with his home and has very positive memories of the experience. His father organized the neighborhood social club that was a community staple. His family was very tight knit and supportive and enjoyed traveling a lot together. He started his own publishing business while in high school. He attributes his current success as a business owner to the support and resources he had access to growing up via Garden Valley Neighborhood House. He volunteers helping Chicago Housing Authority residents to pay it forward.
About the Narrator
Narrator Full Name: Mr. Danté
Narrator pronouns: he/him/his
Refer to as: Mr. Danté
Self-identified race and/or ethnicity: Black
Share one of your dreams, literal or figurative. My dream is to build IWN.Haus, an ultra-modern, 5-story community wealth building center for low-income, current and former public housing residents in Chicago, IL USA. IWN.Haus is inspired by “Garden Valley Neighborhood House” Community Center, which is still located in the Kinsman neighborhood but now serves as a food depository. My goal is to erect it in Fall 2026. I am currently conducting the first stretch of a multi-year crowdfunding campaign called #ParcelToProsperity online at https://Go.IWN.Haus. There is also a 3D version of IWN.Haus that allows you to explore each floor and “walk” through the building as well as floor plans for all 5 floors. This is my dream.
- Birth: 1961
About the Interview
Interviewer: Mark Jaeschke
Date of Interview: 2021-06-16
Method of Interview: remote
Location of Interview: Chicago, IL
Language: English
Duration: 01:22:58
Formats Available: .wav, .mp3
Audio Quality and other notes: Audio a little tin-y on oral historian’s side and fuzzy on the narrator’s side
Post-Production by: jellystone robinson, Sharon Lanza
Contextual Information Last Updated: 2024-03-12
Time-Stamped Index
No index available for this file.
Access and Use Guidelines
Access Level: public
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Please contact the NPHM Oral History Programs Manager if you’d like to download a copy of any of the interview materials (audio file, transcript, or finding aid contents).
When using an interview from the NPHM Oral History Archive, use the narrator’s full name the first time you reference them. Use the narrator’s “Refer to As” name in additional mentions of their name.
Please use the following formatting when citing the interview in academic settings:
Bibliography Example
Pegues, Janetta Sue. Interviewed by Francesco De Salvatore. National Public Housing Museum Oral History Archive, [insert URL/DOI], recorded June 18, 2018, accessed June 2, 2024: pp. 10-15.
Bibliography Format
[NarratorFullName in Last First Middle order]. Interviewed by [InterviewerFullName in First Middle Last Order]. National Public Housing Museum Oral History Archive, [insert URL], recorded [write out full date of interview], accessed [write out full date of most recent access]: pp. [pages of transcript cited].
Footnote Example
Janetta Sue Pegues, interviewed by Francesco De Salvatore, National Public Housing Museum Oral History Archive, [insert URL], recorded June 18, 2018, accessed June 2, 2024: pp. 10-15.
Footnote Form
[NarratorFullName in First Middle Last Order], interviewed by [InterviewerFullName in First Middle Last Order] National Public Housing Museum Oral History Archive, [insert URL], recorded [write out full date of interview], accessed [write out full date of most recent access]: pp. [pages of transcript cited].
Transcript and Supplemental Attachments
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